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Centered in the City

Sep 28, 2023

In this solo episode, I share the importance of forgiveness and what happens in our mind/heart and body when we don't practice forgiveness. This time of the year makes me realize how much we need to let go of so that we can create space for what's next. I share with you a powerful forgiveness practice I encourage us to...

Sep 21, 2023

Ready for this heartfelt and raw episode? On the podcast, I share three lessons I learned while in my "healing hole." What's a healing hole, you might ask? A healing hole is an opportunity to give ourselves space to not numb out our feelings, but instead, give ourselves permission to heal what's calling for...

Sep 14, 2023

Celebrate International Mindfulness Day with me with a guided 6-minute meditation you can practice anywhere you are in this present moment. This guided practice helps build our capacity to be with what is. To accept the conditions that are present so there is no energy wasted on resisting (which can be challenging!). We...

Sep 7, 2023

On the podcast, I share how my relationship to my meditation practice has fallen into a rut the last new months. Can you relate? And that's ok! However, I don't want to stay in a rut. I am motivated to bring new energy to my favorite ritual and I give you a behind the scenes insight to what that is. Take a listen to...