Oct 19, 2021
Woohoo!! We reached the 100th episode milestone! I am so grateful for each and everyone of you for listening, sharing, reviewing and being a guest on this podcast. You give me the fuel to keep going! Big thank you!
On today's podcast, I am giving you a variety of behind the scene insights. I share my answers to the...
Oct 7, 2021
During today's podcast, I speak with Leanne Hughes, international facilitator, speaker and podcaster about how she practices staying centered when facilitating. Leanne shares so many facilitation tips on how to manage nerves and manage energy levels when holding space for groups. She shares that most of the time, when...
Sep 30, 2021
During today's podcast, we talk to Mike Dufek, D1 Baseball athlete, about how he uses his athletic training to practice being centered. Mike highlights the importance of mindset training. As a player, you are trained to fail, learn how to embrace your weaknesses and know your role. To be centered, means you get...
Sep 23, 2021
On today's podcast, Lisa Lewis Miller, author and founder of Career Clarity, joins us to explore how we can stay centered while making a career change. Lisa emphasizes the importance of exploring our values, who we want to be, what lifestyle we want to have before taking action. Most of us can get stressed and...
Sep 9, 2021
On today's podcast episode, we talk to Jason Luk who is a Wellness Coach and the Global Mindfulness Lead at Yahoo. On this episode, we talk about the important centering practice of being and demonstrate the power of mindfulness through experience. Jason shares with us how he started the mindfulness program at Yahoo,...