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Centered in the City

Dec 20, 2017

In my mind, equanimity is the key to life. This is a super helpful practice when building a business, in an intimate relationship, during a job search, mourning a loved one or even stepping into stressful or high pressured situations. Equanimity helps us find our center and ground into reality when the "winds" of the...

Dec 12, 2017

Connect to the qualities of giving & receiving in your breath, body and mind.

Tis the holiday season, a time of giving & receiving. How often do you think about your relationship to these concepts? Sometimes we find one is easier, more pleasant or difficult than the other to practice. Feel me? In order to balance in...

Dec 5, 2017

How much do you trust yourself overall on a scale of 1-10 (1=low and 10= high)? If you are like most people, your answer might be on the lower end. Trust is a foundational pillar that tends to be difficult to embody and live. We have created so many limiting beliefs that prevent us from fully trusting ourselves and...