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Centered in the City

Oct 20, 2017

Feeling out of balance?  Questioning your values and what's important to you? Listen to this Alignment Meditation to connect to your core values and strengthen your sense of identity. At the end of the meditation, you will have a deeper connection to your body and feel more confident about what you stand for and the...

Oct 10, 2017

Do you notice your mind focused on what's not working? What you don't have? How unfair/unlucky you are? Add a dose of gratitude into your life to shift your focus and gaze to what is working, what you can celebrate and where you are fortunate. Allow yourself to live and appreciate from your heart. It will give you...

Oct 2, 2017

Don't have much time? Rushing to get out the door in the morning? No problem! Take 3-minutes for yourself to pause and breathe. Notice how carving out only 3 minutes can shift your energy and perspective. Now you have no excuse for not fitting a few mindful moments into your day.