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Centered in the City

Aug 30, 2017

To meditate doesn't necessarily mean you have to be sitting or lying down. Instead, you can practice walking mindfully as a tool to help you slow down your internal and external pace. When you walk mindfully, you create space to connect to your body, your breath and the environment around you. This practice is an...

Aug 3, 2017

Do you have trouble sleeping? Does your mind get restless the second your head hits the pillow? Try listening to this 20-minute meditation to help you fall asleep at night. Let the "monkey mind" turn off and the body lead you into a deep, restorative slumber. 

Aug 2, 2017

Give yourself the gift of space with a 15- minute meditation that can be practiced at any time of the day. Create a sense of spaciousness with your breath so that it can transcend into your mind and body. This meditation will help you clean out the cobwebs so that you can create clarity.